
Frequently Asked Questions

The delivery time is usually 2-6 business days after placing the order, provided that the ordered product is in stock. If the desired product is made to order, the expected delivery time is 15-20 business days. If the delivery time differs from this, we will notify you by email, and you can then decide whether you still want the product or prefer to cancel the order.

Made to Order items are not kept in stock and are produced based on incoming orders. Typically, you can expect to receive these items 15-20 business days after placing and paying for your order. If the delivery time varies, we will inform you by email, allowing you to decide whether to continue with your purchase or cancel the order.

If you wish to cancel your order, you can do so without providing a reason within 14 days of purchase. In this case, you can return the purchased product by courier, at your own expense, or personally bring it back to the showroom at the following address:

1047 Budapest, Károlyi István utca 10.

To exercise your right of withdrawal, please ensure the product is returned to us in complete packaging and in perfect condition. Additionally, please fill out and send the withdrawal statement found here via email ( or by mail (postal address: 1047 Budapest, Károlyi István utca 10). After sending the withdrawal statement and receiving the returned goods, we will refund the purchase price within a maximum of 30 days. For products purchased with online credit card payment, the refund period may exceed 30 days as the payment amount is handled by a third party, namely the bank.

If you have any quality complaints about the product, if you received a defective product, or if it was damaged during shipping, you can exchange it within 14 days, and we will cover all costs. Please notify us of the problem as soon as possible through our customer service or by email ( In the case of damaged packaging/shipping, please ask the courier to record a report. In this case, you also have the right to withdraw from the purchase, which you can notify us of using the withdrawal statement.

You can purchase the product placed in the cart through the following methods:

  • Credit card payment via the website (Partner company: STRIPE)
  • Prepayment for personal pickup, using the methods listed on the website
  • Cash on delivery (COD) with a fee of 1200 Ft
  • Bank transfer (prepayment). If you choose this payment method, we start processing your order after the transfer is received, and we will inform you of the details via email.

For cleaning and caring for REKAVAGO products, we recommend the use of the care kit available in our webshop. Suede leather products require special treatment to maintain their beauty and characteristic softness for a long time.

For removing extreme dirt (e.g., mud), first remove the excess with the small brush included in the care package, then use the cleaning foam to remove any remaining stain. Finally, after cleaning and drying the product, apply the care balm to enhance the protection of the footwear.

You can contact us via a direct message on our website or reach us at the following email address:

If you would like to schedule an appointment for a custom order, please contact our colleague Zsófia Csörgő at +36 30 406 6622.

If you don't want to miss out on new arrivals or current promotions, subscribe to our newsletters here, or follow us on one (or all 😉) of our social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest

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